Thursday, March 14, 2013

Aboriginal Dot Maps

Art Club "maps" out a special place or memory significant to them, using wooden dowels to "dot" areas of their maps with Jazz tempura paints. This project is influenced by Aboriginal artists from Australia who paint, "dreamtime paintings". 

"Dreamtime Paintings" are symbolic representations of ancient Aboriginal stories about the creation of sacred places, land, people, animals and plants, law and custom. You will often see these "Dreamtime Paintings" with animals which distinguishes the "country" they are from. Many times these animals look like they are seen in "X-Ray" vision. Here is a fantastic link for more information. 

AND HERE is a short clip showing how the "dotting" is done!

Everyone thought a memory or place that they could describe as a map - students chose memories of camping experiences, traveling, vacations, stargazing, and more. We wrote a Map Key, like traditional maps today, to explain what our symbols mean. Some students even made up their own symbols! Awesome!