Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Henri Matisse "Kelp" Forests

4th Grade had visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium earlier in the year so this lesson reinforced the excellence of KELP!
(ok....aaaaaand positive shapes, negative shapes, organic vs. geometric :) )

I first used some familiar terms they may be learning in mathematics. This quickly turned on their thinking caps!:

Lines can be continuous with one end point, or segments, with 2 endpoints.
Shapes are groupings of segments to enclose a space.
Organic shapes are often not geometric, meaning they are shapes with fluidity, resembling things living, or abstractions. (Another word used to describe organic shapes is freeform - these do not 'represent' an actual, recognizable shape.)

We then opened with a dialogue about geometric vs. "organic" shapes - what they are, how these 2 kinds of shapes make them feel when looking at them...where we can see these kinds of shapes in the world.

I showed posters of Henri Matisse's The Mermaid and the Parakeet cut paper collage. I did a small demo, by cutting an organic shape, showing them the difference between the positive shape (the shape itself), and it's negative (the space surrounding an enclosed shape).

Results were fantastic - this was the first time I have done a Matisse lesson. The students were super into this project!! Keeper.