Thursday, September 13, 2012

Keith Haring Figures

Excited to post the first projects from my first Art Clubs for this Fall! The theme for the Art Clubs this fall is, "Learning from the Masters"! This first project was a good lesson for "ice-breaking". We looked at artist, Keith Haring's Prints.

I had the students come up one at a time to stand as a model for the other students to draw from. I did a couple of poses, too. It was a fun way to get them to loosen up for the first day in a new Art class, with new students.

As students drew their figures, some came up with fun ideas of their own, made towers of figures, acrobatic figures, animals, things in the sky, all sorts of fun, imaginative, energetic pictures. We used Haring's style of coloring, using bright colors and basic shapes to learn the concept behind Pop Art.

Below are some great examples. You can click to enlarge