Tuesday, January 8, 2013

California Insects

Kicking off the New Year, 4th graders learned about visual texture, contour, and pattern in these Line drawings of Californian beetles, ladybirds, damselflies, butterflies and more.

As a class, we came up with adjectives that describe the physical characteristics of the bug they were going to draw: hairy, smooth, rough, geometric shapes and dots. I was happy to hear some of the same adjectives from both of my 4th grade classes.

 I then asked what kind of Line they would use when they draw, to "imply" that their bug was hairy, smooth, rough, etc. We drew these on the board.

I then reviewed how to draw a contour drawing, using the entire piece of paper if possible! Then, to fill in their bug with these visual textures and patterns. Also, to label their drawing with the name of the bug. If they finished early, they were invited to draw the environment that their bug might be found, and fill these additions in with visual textures as well.

 Love these!
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