Friday, February 1, 2013

Greek Vases

Great turn out with these Greek Vases!! This 2 week project started its focus learning about the architecture of Greece - including terms like column, capitals: doric, ionic, corinthian, Kraters and other kinds of Greek ceramics.

We learned they were used in everyday life to transport fluids, perfumes, wines, etc and depicted a variety of motifs. Line patterns, mythology, scenes from everyday life, and nature.

We looked at pictures of the different phases of Greek Ceramics including the Geometric Style, Red Figure, Black Figure and Hellenistic.

We first folded paper like a fan for a column, and also cut a symmetrical capital out. Once glued we decorated our capitals. Next step was to draw and cut a symmetrical vase on tagboard (a thicker paper), cut it out, then cover with a thick thick layer of oil pastel of whatever colors you want. Then we brushed pre-mixed black tempura with dishsoap over our vases to dry. (Note: the oil pastel MUST be thickly covered onto tagboard for this to come out. Also use ample dishsoap.)
Second week, we scratched out our designs using pictures from the different eras for inspiration. Definitely going to do this lesson again!

Loyola School Art Club