Monday, July 30, 2012

Design A Vehicle!

Grades 3-5

This project is the definition of innovation, collaboration and community all in an art project. It was a huge class effort to make an awesome car! Olga Illyin, the lead counselor for this 1 week camp, introduced the history of the car by showing YouTube videos and slides of the first cars (horse and carriage), gas and electric cars and emphasized design and engineering. Each student drew a picture of the vehicle they envisioned and in the end, each student was able to execute and contribute their ideas. To make the car, we started by designing hub caps on recycled plastic and colored tape for design. We then stuffed tires with recycled packaging material, and inserted axels to stabilize the tires. A chassis was nailed together for the frame on which students taped several cardboard boxes to assemble the different exoskeletal parts of a vehicle. For decor, everyone wrote their name on paper, added an exhaust pipe with bubble wrap for smoke, a steering wheel, headlights, license plates, mirrors, a door, interior seating and MORE!!!! Below are some awesome photographs.